The Scarlet Bueree Pear
'Oranges et Citrons'
TAB III, Album I
'Cerisier Royal'
Plum 'Ickworth Imperatrice' and other Mr Knight's seedlings
The Shropshire Damson
The Large French Walnut
Tab XX
'Apricot Peche'
Rubus fruticosus
'The Wellington'
Strawberry 'Wilmot's Superb'
Plate VI
The Nectarine Plum
Framboisier : Rubus
The Borsdorff Apple
'Navet remarquable par la grandeur...'
The White Buerrée Pear
The Cannon Hall Muscat Grape
Punica granatum
Oranger à fruits déprimés
The Early Green Hairy Gooseberry
The Breda Apricot